Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On Giving

Each week it is my job to collect the offerings at our church and make the deposit to the bank. I don't think much of the checks or the bills that I find in there, I just simply collect them and praise the Lord for all that He gives to our tiny little church. Today however was different. There in the corner of the giving box under the checks it sat all alone. A single solitary cent. It wasn't a shiny new penny, it was a plain hard water stained penny.

This penny was probably dropped in the box by a child from our congregation after seeing his or her parents dropping their money in and wanting to duplicate the action. Or it could have been a child who thought it a thrill to see it fall in as if he or she would be getting a prize in return such as a gum ball or toy. Maybe it was put there while mimicking making a wish at a wishing well. I'll never know.

As I reached to get it I was reminded of all the times I found pennies on the ground and how I debate whether or not to take the effort to pick it up from the ground. I could have picked it up by the time I decided but hesitated all the while thinking, "Where will I put it? It's probably dirty." Of course anything I found larger than a penny I had no question.

I am embarrassed to say as I was placing that penny in the deposit envelope I seriously thought it got in there by accident, just like all those ones on the ground. I even asked myself, "Do I deposit this?" Then just as quickly as I asked, I answered, "Of course I do!" I then smiled and thought of the little hands that took the time to give it for God's purpose.

Many people, including myself, don't think a penny alone is worth much. I hate to say that for a very long time I have had this same picture of myself. I found I am wrong. I now know the truth. Individually I am and always will be of value because I am never alone - I am in Christ and am one of God's children made in His image. A penny's value is in the untold stories of where its been, how it got there, who loved it, who SAVED it, and the purpose it served. Just like people in our lives we come across, God places pennies and dimes and nickels in all sorts of spots that we don't expect them to be.

When I was a child, I rarely realized the true gift in giving until one day in the 4th grade, my friend and I had an argument. I am not sure how much time passed but I know it felt so discouraging day after day to go to school and no longer talk with her. So out of my heart I thought of her and as we were making our Valentine's Day crafts, I had decided I would offer mine to her as a gift. She instantly smiled and we were friends from then on. Ever since then I long to seek giving to people whether it be the perfect gift or the timing. It brings me great joy!

Giving is the true gift and it's those that give with a cheerful heart know this feeling I am talking about and they are the ones that receive the gift. The gift of God's love in return. The joy of it just makes you simply smile.

2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV)

"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

1 comment:

Yolanda said...

Absolutely beautiful....