Sunday, May 26, 2013

Thinking too much

This year we had a series of sermons of why we are here on the Earth.

Pharisees asked Jesus what one of the commandments are the greatest?

To love the lord your God with all your Might, Mind, Strength and Heart - he replied.

I can relate to the sermon that focused on our mind.

Since I am a big thinker and have always been told I think too much I of course really responded to this with what else but a lot of thinking.

I don't think thinking too much is problematic - it is very productive in fact. It causes a person to seek answers to questions they have. To ponder on things at all perspectives. And more so to develop a response to something that someone might not otherwise acknowledge.

To think is great, but what you do with your thinking is even more important.

If I don't put my thoughts on paper they seem to live in my head and have no fruit. What good is that? However I also tend to write my thoughts more so than I do to speak them. Someday I'd like to have both intellect and dialect occurring at the same time.

For now my blog will be full of many thoughts and I pray they will be fruitful and read some day if not today.

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