Friday, July 2, 2010

Oh to be little again.

Matthew 18:3

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Summer time brings so many memories of my childhood. The smell of dirt, the fresh produce, the grass, the water, the sun. the rain, and most of all the sense of freedom.

So I was going through some old pictures this afternoon and came across this one from a few years back during our Oregon vacation. I can't believe how my daughter, Savannah, has grown!

In looking through pictures of my daughter and comparing how much she has grown I was reminded about how the Lord asks us to be like little children. This raised the same old question, "Why?" Why does he want us to be like little children? Then I turn back to my memory and reflect on the qualities of youth - energetic, free , non-judgemental, & loving all that surrounds them. Of course! Children are such a great example of all of Christ's qualities. How I long to have those days back when life didn't have temptations or trials but know if I keep on the right path I will have this freedom again. Eternally.

Now that I too have grown, just as my daughter has, I must make the effort to remember to be a child. To think of how good it feels to run in the sand and water and how the immense ocean makes me feel so insignificant yet so significant all at the same time. This is because I know He loves me and I am his child.

Speaking of the ocean, I was recently viewing pictures on CNN and instead of seeing all bad, I see good. I see the people that are working so diligently to clean it up. There is so many of them! I see the people that are taking good care of the animals who have been affected by the spill. I think it pleases God that there are those that show so much care and concern for His creation that we don't want to lose it. All in all it is always His plan that these things happen in that we, His children, may grow and seek Him. Earth is a tangible thing...hard to reconcile that we may be here today and gone tomorrow, but when things like this happen it really increases my testimony of how He is moving and encourages me to truly seek Him.

So to be a child again. I shall not worry for I am covered with Christ's blood. When in this state of mind and spiritual meditation I, like a child, don't know of the worries of the world. We only see good through children's eyes and we are free. We can still be free today and I praise the Lord for His wise instruction - reminding us of who we are - His children!

Yes, all this from one picture.

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