Saturday, February 20, 2010 armor of God?

The other night as I lay waiting for sleep, it never fails. Just as I get cozy and my mind calms down and am drifting off, something wakes me up. Usually it's snoring either by my husband or Pugsley, our female pug. Sometimes it's the fish tank or the neighbor's dog - no matter what it may be, I have always been a light sleeper.

Come to think of it, every night I lay awake while thinking of things. I am always the last one to fall asleep. Is this because I'm a light sleeper or because I can only seem to filter my thoughts when life quiets down? My husband even tells me from time to time that I think too much and yes this is very true. My brain takes its sweet time processing but I also enjoy pondering things.

So as I grabbed my pair of earplugs and enjoyed the quietness they brought, I thought, "I wish I could do this to those evil thoughts that I hear so often." And it occurred to me that its not earplugs I need for this, it is to be in the Word and relish in the Word. If I am spending my time thinking about God and His Word then how can Satan fit in and try to manipulate my thinking with his hidden agendas?

I pray that I will continue to grow in the Word and hold fast to my faith regardless of this "arid season" I am going through in my walk with God. Yes, I pray that the Word will speak to me again soon and He will enlighten me with His presence ever so strong.

A fellow Christian recently advised me that this "dry spell" is normal, that there are mountaintops and valleys. I've just allowed myself to think all this time I must be living in sin to have His presence missing, but I know this isn't true and it is what the enemy would like for me to believe. I must remain faithful, for the reward in the end will be well worth it!


Patrinas Pencil said...


I saw your comment over at Yolanda's place. I wanted to encourage you. I see your post here goe right along with Yolanda's and TRUTHSHARE's and even mine This week. So it seems as if we are all in a battle. But I want you to remember that the battle is the Lord's and the victory is already won. Hang on! Keep reading the, read, read!! It is living - sharper than a two edged sword.

I have joined your site tonight. I like what I read. But I want to warn you about your steve player follower. I was shocked to find him as a follower on your blog too. My blog and my computer have been under attack for the whole month of FEb. I have had to block 2 followers. Steve is the second one to blocck. He joined me on feb 12 and 6 of my own followers on the 13 and I see that he joined yours on the 14. He is bad news. His name is associated with internet gambling. I am encouraging you to block him from interacting on your blog. All 6 of my followeres whom he also joined - have blocked him too. Please see my update about this at my post

The other anonymous follower that you have besides Yolanda and myself,( I'm the dove icon) -looks suspious too - unless you know specifically who it is. I wouldn't click on any profile links from anyone unless you can verify that they are a viable blospot blog - unless you can verify them from someother trust worthy blogger that you know.

I'm sorry to bring you this information this way- especialy on my foirst visit. But I am comitted to keeping my fellow bloggers safe and informed.

Blessings and keep growing closer to Jesus!

Patrina <")>><

Rachel Olsen said...

Amen, Tulabell!

I pray God meets you in His Word this week.

Sweet Blessings, Rachel

Yolanda said...


You are right on, and in the dry seasons, it isn't always that God has left, it is that He wants our full attention. His presence is ever dwelling with-in; He is faithful. I like to think of the dry spells/seasons as refining. He is refining me.

Love YOU!


PS: Last year I was part of the scripture memory group and may I encourage you, if you haven't already been doing this, to memorize scripture? I can never remember a time that I've not been a light sleeper, and it has been amazing the past 6 months or so that when I awaken and I focus on the word of God, more often than not, I'm back to sleep, soundly, before I ever make it through my 24 scriptures.