Sunday, November 29, 2009

A little inspiration from today's Sermon...

Hope was the theme for the 1st week of Advent at church today. This is one of my favorites. Without hope, I do not know that I could go on. Hope costs nothing. Hope wants nothing.

It is hard to believe it is already time to start the season for Christmas. I can't believe how the time has passed. With Christmas on its way it is a time for reminders. Reminders to me for renewed hope and along with it cheer, joy, peace, and love. I do not allow myself to worry about the worldly things of buying this or getting that gift. For that is not what Christmas is about at all, we all know it too. Sure I enjoy giving, but the best gift is the one I received. My Saviour.

This Christmas it is my hope to be consumed with the spirit.

1 comment:

Yolanda said...

It is my hope to be consumed with the love of Christ and not the hate of the world. Fixing my mind on things above!

Lovely thoughts!!!
