So I came across an interesting conclusion yesterday. All my life I have been searching and seeking to find out who I am - but I need to be searching and seeking to find out who our Lord Jesus Christ is.
When I am quiet and allow the Spirit to move while seeking answers to my questions - my conversations with the Lord are so bountiful. I can't forget the power His words have to me and I love this gift He gave us so that we could have personal counsel with Him here on this earth.
About a year ago the Holy Spirit confirmed to me a that I have the map (the Bible) and now I need to find the light. Just when I have grown in Christ, I find I have so much more to learn which inspires me to continue seeking Him. That is the awesome thing about our Lord! He is so wondrous and fills my spirit just at the time I need it most! I look forward to each and every moment He answers.
To find light, I know this means seeking out the Light of the World - Jesus. God gave His son as a sacrifice for me and I am still learning more and more every day what this means and all I need to do is to continue seeking Him through prayer, His word, and through fellow believers to allow Him to work in my life so that I may partake of this wonderful gift. I have a long way to go but God has a plan for me in His timing. Each one of us are unique and different and so are all our plans God has for us. Isn't this pretty neat to think about?