I woke up this morning feeling empty. I reminded myself that I need to take time out to "commune" or fellowship with God. With our upcoming move and all the details and preparations there are to do I have been so busy concentrating on daily tasks that I have put aside my daily time with the Lord. So before I arose from bed this morning, I said a little prayer asking God to enter my mind, spirit, and heart before the day truly starts.
It used to be that Sunday was just another day off and I did what I wanted with no thought at all to the Lord - the enemy always made it enticing to do so too, yet I never realized this until now. When I was a child I looked forward to it to spend time together with my family doing "Sunday" things. Even though we went to church there wasn't much impression on me about anything I heard or learned there. What I loved was being together afterward eating a Sunday dinner, taking a drive, or playing board games and watching television. But now things are different. You know what I love about Sundays now? All the troubles are forgotten and I find I spend my day focusing on God more than any other day of the week!
Today is Communion Sunday - I am focusing on Jesus Christ dying on the cross for us so that our sins could be forgiven and that we may have life. I never understood this before but as I continue my walk with God my testimony of His Gospel is increasing in me and I am finding that I am getting richer and richer in not only coming to know who Jesus is, but coming to love Him.
Yes, I am getting to the point in my relationship with God that I have not been in before! Before my newfound walk and love with God I wasn't really sure about who Jesus was and why He was so important. I knew of Him, I knew He had a big part in why I even knew God in the first place, but yet I didn't have a personal relationship with Him. Until now. I recently read the book of John for the first time in my life and I had no idea I would get to know Jesus on such a very personal level.
I want to thank the Lord for His gracious abundance of blessings and love for not only me but for all of us! I want to thank Him for sending His only son to us and giving us this precious gift of life! I praise the Lord God for beckoning to me so long ago and being patient waiting for me to respond and now that I have he has given me ears to hear His voice and eyes to see His work so that I may know it in order that I will recognize Him and continually seek Him. I am so grateful to be a child of God!