Thursday, June 18, 2009


After a long day of work, I listen to the Christian radio station KEYY and KLove to absorb what I can to feed my spirit. It's usually the only alone and awake time I get to myself these days, and so I try and make the most of my time.

The rain has been excessive these past few weeks but it has made the earth so vibrant and beautiful. While I hate driving home that long drive, I enjoy the view. God has created such a lovely place for us to live. The clouds that sit atop the flowing green hills, the sun that peeks through the bold clouds show their bright, strong rays as pointing out each landmark to me personally. And then there's the smell. Nothing compares, nothing but the rainbow amongst all this scenery.

The most awesome experience was over the weekend, when my daughter commented on the beautiful rainbow that was arched atop our neighborhood over the weekend. She said with all her innocence, "Does God live in the rainbow?" It was then that my husband was quick to answer her question with such a sweet tone in his voice that I don't hear very often, "It's God's promise to us to never let the earth flood again."

While Savannah looked confused at him as if to say, 'Isn't that just what I said?' my heart was instantly warmed and I felt God's arms wrap around our little family just then. We looked out the window a moment later and it was gone. I just smiled.

It's times like these that I cherish in my heart and I use to remind myself when I am not feeling so spiritually uplifted. Since God plants rainbows in the sky after a storm, why wouldn't he in our hearts?

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